Monday, February 8, 2010


I think blogging is a way to spill my pain? in a way? Everyone has pain.
Everyone has different tolerance to pain. Just because you think your pain is bigger than another person's doesn't mean it hurts more. It's different for everybody.
So when someone complains about how much pain they're going through, encoourage them.
It would mean alot.

These days I've been really down. I' ve been already sick for weeks now. Still waiting on my MRI results because my mom forgot to call the doctor . I'm better now, I'm sure its nothing.

I've been really weird lately. All I do these days is lock my self in my room and play guitar or do nothing in my room. I don't have motivation or any reason to do school work. I'm sick and tired.
I' think I might be going through some kind of depression? I don't know. I want to get back up and start again but I don't know how.

Lord. 주여. 도와주세요. Help me Lord.

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