Saturday, October 17, 2009


So when I walk away from you

Don't expect me to show the truth

Because I got to walk the talk

Out of sight out of mind ain't so fun

When you got anything but round-abouts

It's best this way for us two for this road

Got to split up while it's still safe ,

Piles of lies and infatuations lead to fate

You tell me you want me but i don't see it

I don't feel anything but your presence

We don't want to be hurt any longer

for your constant reachings lead to my

Throbbing pain.

So stab me while you can

Because I have someone new

for you will never know

When you grow tired and sick

You'll realize I was the only one

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Let Go.

タイトル名 : let go
ア-ティスト名 : m-flo loves YOSHIKA
作曲者名 : m-flo & YOSHIKA
作詞者名 : m-flo & YOSHIKA

let go (let go) let go (let go) let go...
I know I gotta let go
let go (let go) let go (let go) let go...
I know I gotta leave my past behide and let go
let go (let go) let go (let go) let go...
I know I gotta be strong
You better know where you're going
and know where you're from
Better believe it baby, let's go...

このまま 忘れられなくて
(고노마마 와스레라레나쿠테)
이대로는 잊을 수가 없어서
閉じこめては いられなくて
(토지코메테와 이라레나쿠테)
그렇다고 마음을 가두어놓을순 없어서
踏みこんじゃいけないと わかってても
(후미콘-쟈이케나이토 와캇-테테모)
발을 들여놓을 수 없는 걸 잘 알면서도
この氣持ち どうしても gotta let you know
(고노키모치 도-시테모 gotta let you know)
이 마음은 어떻게 해도 gotta let you know
あつく激しく 動く時間の中で
(아츠쿠 하게시쿠 우고쿠 지캉노나카데)
뜨겁고 세차게 움직이는 시간속에
欲しいよ 君のheart,boy...一瞬でも
(호시이요 키미노 heart,boy... 잇슌데모)
너의 heart을 원해.. 한순간만이라도..

叶わない 戀におぼれても このまま
(카나와나이 코이니오보레테모 고노마마)
이뤄지지않는 사랑에 빠져도 이대로
夢から覺めたくない CAN'T let go
꿈에서 깨고싶지않아
제멋대로라고해도 좋아
흔들리지않는 사랑이 지금 갖고싶어

come one now baby, come on...

yeah, yeah, yeah...
全の始まりは 「Hey how you doin'?」
(스베테노하지마리와 「Hey how you doin'?」)
모든 시작은 「Hey how you doin'?」
yeah, yeah, yeah...
(후타리 메토메가아이 마쿠아케타스토-리)
두사람의 눈과 눈이 마추치는 순간 시작되는 story
yeah, yeah, yeah...
そして, 出逢いと別れがセットかのように
(소시테, 데아이토와카레가 셋토카노요-니)
그리고, 만남과 이별이 set가 되는 것처럼
yeah, yeah, yeah...
(토키와 토마리,소바니이나쿠테모)
시간은 멈추고, 너가 곁에 없어도
I'm alright なんて 强がり
(I'm alright 난테 츠요가리)
I'm alright 같은 강한척
(데모토나리니 이나이토 코코로이타미)
그렇지만 곁에 없으면 아픈 가슴
Just wanderin' if you feel the same 同じ
(Just wanderin' if you feel the same 오나지)
Just wanderin' if you feel the same
氣持ちなのか 確かめたくて マジ
(기모치나노카 타시카메타쿠테 마지)
나와 같은 맘인지 확인하고싶어서 정말
空回りしてばかり ain't nobody でも
(카라마와리시테바카리 ain't nobody데모)
제자리에 맴돌기만할뿐 ain't nobody라고해도
怖がらずに 手綱ゆるめてこう
(코와가라즈니 테즈나유루메테코우)
무서워하지않고 손에 줄을 느슨히 잡은 채로
自由つかむため let go... I'm tellin' you
(지유츠카무타메 let go... I'm tellin' you)
자유를 붙잡기위해 let go... I'm tellin' you
(에고와 코코로노테로)
자아는 마음의 terrorism...

甘く 靜かに 時は 流れてくのに
(아마쿠 시즈카니 토키와 나가레테쿠노니)
달콤하고 조용하게 시간은 흘러가는데
本が It's breaking apart boy どうして
(카라다가 It's breaking apart boy 도-시테)
몸이 It's breaking apart boy 어째서)

壞れそうな位 不安になるだけ
(코와레소-나쿠라이 후안-니나루다케)
부서질것같을 정도로 불안해질뿐
Oh why 獨り占めしたくなるの
(Oh why 히토리시메시타쿠나루노)
Oh why 혼자 차지하고싶어지는걸까..
아무 말도 없이
그저 너의 사랑이 지금 필요해..

let go (let go) let go (let go) let go...
I know I gotta let go
let go (let go) let go (let go) let go...
I know I gotta leave my past behide and let go
let go (let go) let go (let go) let go...
I know I gotta be strong
You better know where you're going
and know where you're from
Better believe it baby, let's go...

Love train...に 驅けこみ乘車したけど
(Love train...니 카케코미죠-샤시타케도)
Love train에 뛰어들듯 탔지만
待ってはくれない 理想から straight no chase
(맛테와쿠레나이 리소카라 straight no chase)
기다려주지않는 이상으로부터 straight no chase
猛speedで現實まで run, run, run
(모-speed데 겐지츠마데 run, run, run)
맹렬한 speed로 현실까지 run, run, run
(토마루코토나이 토케이노하리)
멈추는 일이 없는 시계의 침
一度だけ使えるマジック, 運命の鍵
(이치도다케 츠카에루 magic, 운메이노 카기)
단 한번 쓸수있는 magic, 운명의 열쇠
loveで逆轉, あざ笑うlogic
(love데 갸쿠텐, 아자 와라우 logic)
love로 역전, 비웃는 logic
急がないと Mr.Heartbreak might stay
(이소가 나이토 Mr.Heartbreak might stay)
서두르지않으면 Mr.Heartbreak might stay
卷き戾す 色あせた 記憶再生
(마키모도스 이로아세타 키오쿠사이세이)
되감아 빛바랜 기억을 재생

Tell me how to be gree
Oh baby, oh baby
Will my heart be gree
So tell me 一瞬でも
(So tell me 잇슌데모)
So tell me 한순간만이라도

叶わない 戀におぼれても このまま
(카나와나이 코이니오보레테모 고노마마)
이뤄지지않는 사랑에 빠져도 이대로
夢から覺めたくない CAN'T let go
꿈에서 깨고싶지않아
제멋대로라고해도 좋아
흔들리지않는 사랑이 지금 갖고싶어

壞れそうな位 不安になるだけ
(코와레소-나쿠라이 후안-니나루다케)
부서질것같을 정도로 불안해질뿐
Oh why 獨り占めしたくなるの
(Oh why 히토리시메시타쿠나루노)
Oh why 혼자 차지하고싶어지는걸까..
아무 말도 없이
그저 너의 사랑이 지금 필요해..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What is it?

What is it that I want?

Monday, April 6, 2009


Today is a good day.

I'm sitting out here in the commons area.

Sun is up, and no clouds to get in my way .

Sitting down here in the good shade with a cup of coffee, and good music is all that I could ask for.

Nothing to worry about, just me, my coffee and my music.

A Day like this makes me think twice about some of the options I had.

Thinking back to all of the depressing moments in my life, I start to regret about alot of things.

When I'm sitting here sometimes, I get to think about my self and the way things are around me in a detailed manner.

From living in the dorms and just living out on my own , really made me think twice about the world.

I have so much more to learn about people and the way they are.

This is a good experience for me.

I'm actually listening to this amazing singer that I discovered through my good friend Nick.

Ben Folds- Landed.

You should check it out.

It's an amazing song.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This was meant to be..

I made this blog to post inspiring or rather pleasing pictures that will catch your eye. But, I think I'm going to be too lazy.

I'm starting to think that this blog will be a place to spill my thoughts (well, and I'll post photos when I want to)

So, this will be the place you'll be , if you want to be up to date in my life.

Anyhow I'll start by talking about the latest problems. I'm pretty sure I'm boring right now but listen.

  • I have failed miserably not procrastinating
  • Recently I've been partying too much
  • My room is turning into a mess (well it is already)
  • My dad sold his office, so he is unemployed at the moment
  • No money, I can barely afford school
  • I'm spending too much money on random shit
  • I'm not taking enough pictures
  • No female companion.
  • Lonely
  • I spent valentines day with 3 guys (yeah i know homo)
  • I need to work
  • Fix my car
I probably have a billion or more bullet points to add but I wont digress

Anyhow, How is your life? ladies and gentlemen.

I hope that it is going well.

You probably don't understand me, or think I'm just a complaining spoiled child.

It's okay. I understand you.

Go for it.

Live your life.